Archway Islands, Wharariki Beach, South Island, New Zealand (© Francesco Vaninetti/AWL/plainpicture)
IC 2574: Coddington's Nebula
Image Credit & Copyright Fenyes Explanation: Grand spiral galaxies often seem to get all the glory, flaunting their young, bright, blue star…
Nacreous Clouds over Sweden
Image Credit & Copyright: Vojan Höfer Explanation: Vivid and lustrous, wafting iridescent waves of color wash across this skyscape from…
Zoroaster Temple, Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona (© Nick Lake/Tandem Stills + Motion)
European beech forest in Belgium (© Philippe Moes/Minden Pictures)
Porto, Portugal (© Starcevic/Getty Images)
Eurasian red squirrel (© Edwin Giesbers/Minden Pictures)
Comet ATLAS over Brasília
Image Credit: Frederico Danin Explanation: What's that in the sky? Above the city, above most clouds, far in the distance: it's a comet…
High Peaks Trail in Pinnacles National Park, San Benito County, California (© yhelfman/Getty Images)
Village of Zahara de la Sierra overlooking Zahara-El Gastor Reservoir, Cádiz province, Spain (© SEN LI/Getty Images)
Snow on the Great Wall of China (© View Stock/Alamy)
Star trails over Ardez, Graubunden, Switzerland (© Roberto Moiola/Getty Images)
Polar bears at play in the Arctic (© Ondrej Prosicky/Shutterstock)
The Twisted Disk of NGC 4753
Image Credit: NASA, ESA, Hubble; Processing: Alexander Reinartz (mailto: areinartz89 at gmail dot com) Explanation: What do you think this…
Methane Bubbles Frozen in Lake Baikal
Image Credit & Copyright: Kristina Makeeva Explanation: What are these bubbles frozen into Lake Baikal? Methane. Lake Baikal, a UNESCOWorld…
A green sea turtle swims in the Pacific Ocean near the French special collectivity of New Caledonia (© Damsea/Shutterstock)
Lake Bled, Slovenia (© Kesu01/Getty Images)
Christmas lights at Mousehole Harbour, Cornwall, England (© ianwool/Getty Images)
Christmas Tree Aurora
Image Credit & Copyright: Jingyi Zhang (mailto .dot. tia .dot. zhang @at@ gmail .d.o.t. com) Explanation: It was December and the sky lit…